Earth Day 2024 Social Summit: Planet VS Plastics

Earth Day 2024 Social Summit: Planet VS Plastics

Earth Day is a time to honour the planet, promote environmental awareness and inspire positive action for a greener, more sustainable future.

To celebrate this years theme of Planet VS Plastics, I had the honour of interviewing 4 female beauty founders to find out how they are leading the way to a plastic-free future.

Tune in on Monday 22nd April 2024 on social media to hear from your favourite brand founders at the times below. If you are unable to make it the videos will also be saved so you can catch up in your own time.

Below are the full interviews with your favourite beauty founders:

Ere Perez, Ere Perez Cosmetics

Read interview transcript here.


Nedahl Stelio, Recreation Beauty

Read interview transcript here.


Sarah Tait, Wanderlightly

Read interview transcript here.


Kagan Williams, Peg Paste

Read interview transcript here.


You can also watch the interviews on:

  • Wild & Cruelty Free Instagram
  • Wild & Cruelty Free Facebook
  • Wild & Cruelty Free YouTube

    I look forward to celebrating Earth Day with you so collectively we can create a kinder and more sustainable world for all.

    x Marisa

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